Sunday, July 8, 2012

Choose your domain name and earn money from google adsense

Hello guys this is my first blog. I made this blog to help, teach and most important for earning money from google adsense. Today from this article I will help you to choose your domain name and some help for google adsense also. Mostly likely new people in blogging dont know what is google adsense.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a free, simple way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites. AdSense also lets you provide Google search to your website users, while earning money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.

For more information about google adsense click here!

Now You Guys probably know what is google adsense so we should continue. I will explain you from example of my domain. My domain DesiTeenEntertainment first think when you see to this domin! what first idea or thing came in your mind. Probably my opinon is about teen and entertainment the most traffic you get is from teen because married nor old people would come to your website and I made website for teens so thats good choice for teen and desi when they see desi teen entertainment it attracts there mind and force them to see what's in it. So the first thing is that you should know about what your are making a website then for that you should see a good domain name which will attract people and more google search engine. Google search engine is the best way to get traffic to your website if you have good words means unique and simple words google will hope fully get you a good traffic to your website. In last I wana guide for google adsense again some thing what I knew is that never put illegal stuff like hacking etc because google dont allow for illegal stuff and google adsense would deactivate your account.

I hope this article will help you alot. So dont forget to comment. Be safe and always be happy n more dont forget to share this article with your friends also.  :)  Peace!


I would like to say thank you for sharing on this very nice post with us.

choosing good domain name