Thursday, June 28, 2012

10 Innovative Ideas for Your Business Blog

Keeping an up-to-date blog is a great way to engage customers in your business and to pass along information that may be of interest to them. The only problem with keeping a blog is thinking of different topics to post about.
This article offers you some unique ideas for topics that will make your blog stand out from the crowd.
1. Your Company
Your blog is a great place to talk about your company’s history, introduce visitors to your staff and let readers know about any special awards or recognitions you’ve received. The only caution about this topic is to be careful not to overuse it. You want to sound proud of your company, of course, but you don’t want to sound like you’re bragging.
And you’ll want to position the information so it is useful to the reader in some way. No matter how interesting your new award is to you, it won’t be of interest to your readers if you can’t position it in a way that explains what your reader will get out of it.
2. Products and Services
Your blog is a great place to highlight new products and services offered by your company. Readers who come to your site for advice about pest control, for instance, would probably be thrilled to hear about your newest mousetrap or sonic sound system that holds rodents at bay.
3. Coupons and Discounts
Are you offering a special deal to loyal customers? Blog about it! Knowing they can sometimes find great bargains on your blog can turn casual browsers into loyal readers.
4. Education
Teach your readers about the different kinds of rodents, or why it is unhealthy to allow a mouse colony to flourish in your house. Other educational topics might include rodent hiding places, types of rodents that commonly get into a house and facts about how quickly mice and rats can multiply.
5. Advice
Once you’ve educated your readers about a topic, show them how to use that knowledge. Your blog might, for instance, offer suggestions about inspecting your home for an infestation or recommend the best way to get rid of household pests for good. Advice posts tend to be very popular with readers because they provide information that can be used to improve the situation immediately.
6. Customer Testimonials
If you’ve received glowing words from one or more customers, write a blog post featuring a few of those positive comments. Sometimes the best person to sell your company is a client who has had a good experience with it.
7. Interviews
Put a podcast on your blog featuring an interview with a doctor about diseases carried by rodents or an interview with an exterminator about the least expensive methods for ridding yourself of pests.
8. Quotations
Believe it or not, there are some clever quotes about rodents. Type “quotes”  into your favorite search engine and use your ten favorite quotations in a blog post.
9. Links to Other Helpful Sites
Link to your competitors? You must think I’m crazy! But if you can arrange a link exchange with another popular site, it will improve search engine optimization scores for both of you. It’s a win-win.
10. Humor
Everybody likes a funny story or a joke from time to time, so share a little rodent humor here and there. You’ll have fun writing it, and your visitors will appreciate reading it.
This post made possible by guest blogger Mary, a writer with varied interests like how to market your products online using a blog, whether you sell a mousetrap or handbags.