Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Create Android App For Your Blog

Create Android App for your blog

If you want to increase your traffic you have to pay attension on Mobile Devices & Smart phones too. Android is one of the most popular and fastest growing smartphone OS. Android users are much higher compared to any other device.

Now its possible to create the Android app without having any knowledge of coding and programming language.

AppGeyser is an online service which helps to create the Android app from your personal blog. All User needs to do is Sign up, add your blog by providing your URL. User can even customize the logo, description and many other settings available.

Convert Your Blog Into Android App: 

Converting your blog to Android App is just the matter of clicking, just follow these steps:

→ Browse to AppGeyser website and click on CREATE APP NOW. After clicking User will get three options, click on “MOBILE WEBSITE”.

→ Fill the required details which includes, App Name, Description, Blog Url, Description, Icon to display, Screen Orientation and category. User can also Preview there app on the right side of the website.

→ Provide the required details for sign-up, else login with Facebook credentials.

→ Your Android app for your personalized blog is ready.

→ Click on Test Your App to download your Android app as APK file and install it on your Android mobile.

Share your APK file by submitting to Android Market or AppGeyser market.